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Messages - alaasam

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so when I specify the interface when using backtrack  I should use the wireless interface not ppp interface ???

 :)  thanks a lot but I might didn't make it clear but I know that , I will try to ask my question in a better way , all the tutorials I saw starts with scanning the wireless network . can I use the same tools when using my broadband connection which is ppp ?? 

Hacking and Security / Re: Where to start with hacking
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:55:34 PM »
thanks a lot for this thread it made me realize what I'm interested in .I'm interested in Pentesting and code exploiting . I'm a network engineering student , and I know enough about networks , protocols , and basic security issues  . I know programming too in c/c++/c# most experienced in c , can you tell me what my next step should be ?? any help is appreciated   

Well I am a network engineering student 4th year , I know a lot about computer networks , TCP/IP protocol suit , Unix OS , network programming , and basic security issues , but i don't know what is next . So can you tell me what is next now??

I have downloaded backtrack 5 and finally I'm able to use my broadband connection on backtrack 5 . I have downloaded some tutorials but all of them are done in wireless networks . they start with scanning the wireless network I don't have wireless network . Is there is any way to look for live machines other than scanning the network which I'm within ? or in other words can anyone tell me what my first step should be ?

aha ok thanks I will work on it

mm yes no wireless or ethernet , another problem is that I don't have any other internet connection right now so I can't download anything until I discover how to connect first , so any more suggestions

I'm totally new to backtrack , but I will check what you mentioned thanks in advance and any further help is appreciated . :D

I don't have wired internet either , my broadband is USP one

Hi I have just installed backtrack 5 r3 and I don't have wireless internet connection , I have a mobile broadband connection how can I connect to the Internet using it on backtrack 5

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