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Messages - DerpyTurtle

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Hardware / Troubleshooting help needed with new build
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:21:32 PM »
So I am troubleshooting a friend of mines new build. I have not been able to get the machine to POST yet. Everytime I power it on I get 5 beeps. Which I am aware is a processor error. So I happen to have the exact same processor in my tech machine. So I swap processors between the machines and my machine is able to POST just fine with her processor but her machine does not POST with my processor. I told her it seemed like the motherboard might be the culprit so we RMA'ed it and once she received the new one we tried again with the same outcome. I even tried removing her graphics card and that actually changed the beep code to 1 long and 2 short being a GPU error. I also tried using just a single stick of memory in slot 1 and that didnt seem to affect the outcome. I have also tried with memory that I know to be good and still no change. I have tested everything I can think of. Does anyone have any ideas? I can provide more technical info if needed.

Operating System / mv command accidental merge ...can it be undone?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:27:51 AM »
So I went to move a bunch of files from my main machine to my external drive and I ended up using this command

Code: [Select]
# mv *.mp3 /foler1/folder2/folder3/filename
and when the command completed I realized that I made a mistake because the directory I was trying to move these files to was actually one step higher so the command should have been this

Code: [Select]
# mv *.mp3 /folder1/folder/2/folder3/

My question to you is there any way to remedy this? Any way to go back and retrieve those files after they were all accidentally merged into a single file instead of a directory..? I have been living in Windows land for the past few years because of work so my skills are a little rusty. Any help is much appreciated[/code]

Operating System / Tackling the Gentoo beast!
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:10:14 AM »
Hello guys,

So tonight I decided to take on the task of installing gentoo on my laptop. Now I have a few problems. I have wireless internet in my apartment, the problem I dont have physical access to the router so I need to configure my wireless. I have tried what I know and I am looking through a bunch of sites trying to find out how to setup my wireless card and connect to the network but everything is for Debian/Ubuntu users.

I have tried the
Code: [Select]
net-setup utility but to no avail.

When I try
Code: [Select]
ls /sys/class/net It only shows the enp2s0 and local interfaces.

I am so confused and feel like I am missing something that is right in front of me but this is my first time installing gentoo on physical hardware! I am not new to linux I am just trying to get better and I decided I wanted to try this so any help would be appreciated!

***I know I dont need to install gentoo but I want to. My normal distro of choice is CrunchBang***

Hacking and Security / Re: Website Crasher (Uses Ping of Death!)
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:03:35 AM »
Guys dont give him a hard time this is the most 1337 tool out there!

Hardware / Re: Linux hardware testing!?
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:40:40 AM »
That could work but what I am looking for is something more immeadiate. Like run the scan and then get the results right there in the terminal.

Hardware / Re: Linux hardware testing!?
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:28:12 AM »
Can do, thanks for the effort man!

Hardware / Re: Linux hardware testing!?
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:20:24 AM »
This is what I see when I go to that link man

Hardware / Re: Turn traffic lights green
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:52:38 AM »
After a long day of fixing stupid peoples mistakes this is a great read and reminder that not everyone in this world is computer illiterate haha thanks for the share OP!

Hardware / Linux hardware testing!?
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:45:26 AM »
Hey guys it's been awhile since I posted anything but what I am wondering is.. are there any applications in the linux world that are similar to if not better than their windows counterparts. I know linux is the better OS in many aspects, but this is for work and personal use. I have been doing research and found a few options but what I want to know is your experiences with these pieces of software and what have you found for linux that is of the same or better quality and gives better results.
    The software in question is
     Victoria - HDD sector testing
     HDD Guardian - HDD SMART Testing

I know this is the hardware board but I am hoping you guys can help me out since this deals mainly with hardware. Any help or advice is appreciated!

Hacking and Security / Re: Malware trying to connect to proxy
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:16:21 PM »
maybe proxy setting in browser config?

I tried looking at all the browsers and their proxy settings and there was nothing to be found. The only questionable thing I found was the DNS server on the LAN was set to a specific IP but I changed it so it uses the default. I dont know if this IP was from the ISP or from the malware itself. Regardless its changed, and pinging and tracerts still work, just not the browsers.

Duno if this will help you or not  but   - ive seem malware  modify  the whole entire  complete os with a backdoored forced proxy -

no matter if you edited the network settings  and removed them it still wouldnt go any where

Maybe try checking the IE  registry?  believe it or not a lot of settings done by IE does a lot of changes to the PC

Take alook here maybe?

Thanks! I'll definitely give this a read and see where it gets me. The situation you mentioned could more than likely be whats happening because no browser at all seems to be working.

Hacking and Security / Re: Malware trying to connect to proxy
« on: July 23, 2014, 11:24:14 PM »
I used my flash drive with all my portable apps and malwarebytes is one of them but the system doesnt stay powered on long enough for me to finish a scan, itll stay on for maybe 5 minutes and this is with the charger connected. I didnt think to use wireshark but that is a great idea I will give it a shot and see where these packets are going when I request a webpage.
   As for the DNS I tried using the default local setting and then my preferred server which is and it seemed to still work but the browsers were still not functional.

Hacking and Security / Re: Malware trying to connect to proxy
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:29:14 AM »
I checked the IPv4 settings for the machine and the DNS was being routed somewhere else so I just set it to use the default, I dont know if it was the ISPs DNS server or what but its no longer being used and I still cant connect. I tried looking at the traffic with netsat but everything seemed normal so now Im just trying to figure what the name of the possible malicious software could be and then go from there. Also I went into the control panel to look for suspicious looking software and it only listed 6 items, I didnt see any of the updates for the .NET framework or anything. It was on Win 7 Home Premium so I dont know if those are just hidden to users without admin rights on that version of Windows or what but I am trying to figure this out. Believe it or not the person I am working on it for told me her daughter looked at it and said it was the hard drive causing the proxy error, so I'm thinking if I cant find a name and way to remove this malware I may just back everything up and reinstall but if the malware is linked to a file on the system then I would just be backing it up too.

Hacking and Security / Malware trying to connect to proxy
« on: July 22, 2014, 09:55:59 PM »
Hey everyone I am working on a computer for a family member and the issue they are having is that any time they try to connect to the internet via a browser they get a proxy error saying that it cant connect to the server. I checked all of the settings there is no proxy set locally or in any browser, I tried to connect to the internet via the command line and was able to ping, tracert, etc.. so the connection is just fine. What I am wondering is have any of you seen this before, I know there is some kind of malware out there that does this but I do not know what it is called so any help you guys could give me to further my research in the removal of said malware would be very helpful. Thanks!

Hardware / Re: WD My Passport not accessible
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:09:48 AM »
I used chkdsk /F /X /R and shouldve used /C also but I had to abandon ship with that process even though it was seemingly nearly done. Because my laptop is being troublesome and will not recognize the AC adapter being plugged in, I have an idea of when the problem may have occurred but for now I have live booted a linux system and am not liking my results, the chkdsk seemed to work great but now I ran a few commands on linux and it is the exact opposite

Code: [Select]
root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# fsck /dev/sdb1
fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
dosfsck 3.0.12, 29 Oct 2011, FAT32, LFN
There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
Differences: (offset:original/backup)
1) Copy original to backup
2) Copy backup to original
3) No action
? 3
Both FATs appear to be corrupt. Giving up.

The GUI recognizes the drive but when I try to mount it, I get an error saying
Code: [Select]
Unable to mount HDD 3.0
Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock

Any suggestions on where to go from here?

Hardware / Re: WD My Passport not accessible
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:47:06 AM »
Thank you guys for all the helpful input! Now all I'm wondering is...
Has anyone had a chkdsk last for more than 24 hours?

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