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Messages - Socket_0x01

Pages: [1]
Projects and Discussion / Re: Which language is better?
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:54:01 PM »
Well i see that i have some answers for my question. Thanks all for your advices and criticism, that's why i like this forum. I found people with great knowledges and nice experience in many ways.

The idea is that a noob person like me, can do an enterpriseĀ“s program with the lowest time possible.

 With your answers i see two ways:
1. Memory management, program speed --> C++.
2. Program portability, fast development --> Java

I know i can do a program with all that characteristics with both languages, but the reality is that each language have its own advantages and weakness.

Thanks @Kulverstukas for your advices, and i know that Gliders means. I know that i'm not a hacker but i like and share that Glidder means in the hacker world.

Thanks @Deque you're the Java's guy, i like your advice very complete.

I'll take the project and as Deque said, in the way i'll see the languages that i have to learn to do it.

Thanks all and please forgive my english isn't my main :(

Projects and Discussion / Which language is better?
« on: May 01, 2013, 08:26:51 AM »
Hi guys i'm new here, as the title says i'm trying to find the best language to make an enterprise program, the software needs a DB where the people can save and do backups of the information and share information by the cloud.

Which language i'd have to use? I'm thinking in Java as a nice possibility. What do you thinking about? What other language should i learn to do that proyect? Thank you very much.

Java / Re: Exercises
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:08:32 PM »
Thank you very much, its a nice post

Pages: [1]

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