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Messages - Short-Circuit

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: d0x's Proof
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:27:17 PM »
Simply choose a nick-name that is similar to something else like 'IceCream'..
Doxing someone through a google search can be extremely easy if they have a unique name.Its even possible to find previous doxes :3

Thanks for testing it, I didnt excpect it to work as it is usually combined with opening a shell session.

Thanks though.And happy shellcoding :3

So say I used this Assembly (Linux 32-BIT NASM) as an exploit payload for a local BoF vulnerability:

Code: [Select]
    global _start

    mov al, 70
    xor ebx,ebx
    xor ecx,ecx
    int 80h

    mov al, 1
    inc ebx
    int 80h

Would it give me root?I hand-coded this and I used the syscall for changing uid but Im curious if the uid would stay as 0, when the program exited?

Any ideas?  ;)

Pages: [1]

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