C - C++ / Re: [C] Making A Website Blocker With Manifest
« on: April 14, 2014, 06:50:23 AM »
Suit yourself with what you think is necessary or even better.
I sense a hint of troll.
I sense a hint of troll.
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The value for str is always " " I'm not changing it in the code, so I'm using char *str="something" so, whether I do char *str="something" or char str[100] = "something" it wont make a difference.If you're not going to change *str then why 'd you do this:
As far as I know, fgets() is for input from file right(I may be wrong)? I'm using gets() as I'm taking input from keyboard.
fputs(str, handler);
When you doI'm trying to make a website blocker that runs with administrator privileges.The memory for str is allocated statically off the stack. It's read-only. You can't re-assign a value to it. Instead, declare it as
Here is my C code : http://www.scriptings.tk/paste/5348fab7a1ee5
Or view it here :Code: (c) [Select]#include<stdio.h>
void main()
char* str = " ";
fputs(str, handler);
char str[size] = "whatever";
and it should run.alias bftp="obexftp -b 20:D6:07:03:43:82 -c $1 -p $2"
alias bpush="ussp-push 20:D6:07:03:43:82@9" # bluetooth push device id@channel number
alias samp='/usr/bin/time -f "Time: %E | Max.Mem: %M K | PF: %F Major %R Minor | Context Swtches: %c"'
alias gdb="gdb -silent"
alias cpu="cpupower -c all frequency-info"
alias mods="lspci -mvk | grep '^Module' | awk '{print $2}' | uniq" #show currently loaded modules
alias init_dm="stest -flx $PATH|sort -u|tee .cache/dmenu_run|dmenu "$@""
These can be optimized quite a bit with things like range-for loops and more of some niceties from C++11. Also it looks like you reimplemented std::stack? Why?My excuse would be, I'm just learning C++. Coming from the lands of bare bones C unaware of most of the facilities it's younger sibling provides. Can you demonstrate some language optimizations you are talking about ?
// ==================================================================//
// Sorting algorithms:
// O(n2) Bubble, Selection, Insertion
// O(nlogn) Quick, Merge (both iterative & recursive), Heap
// Radix Sort (LSD)
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_sort#Efficiency
// Author: 0poitr @ evilzone.org, 2014
// Permission for use and modification of the code.
// For knowledge and some interestng discussion on the algorithms,
// you can consider their wikipedia pages and references.
// ==================================================================//
#include <iostream>
#define ULONG unsigned long
#define MIN(a, b) (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)
#define mergeSortRecursive(x, y, len) mergeSortRecursive_(x, y, len-1);
using namespace std;
// prototype declarations
template <class T> void selectSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void bubbleSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void insSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> int partition(T *a, int lb, int ub);
template <class T> void quickSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void quickSortRecursive(T *a, int lb, int ub);
template <class T> void reHeap(T *a, int start, int end);
template <class T> void heapSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void mergeParts(T *a, int lb, int mid, int ub);
template <class T> void mergeSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void mergeSortRecursive_(T *a, int lb, int ub);
template <class T> void display(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void radixSort(T *a, int size);
template <class T> void reNew(T **ptr, int *size);
template <class T> void push(T *a, T data);
template <class T> int pop(T *a);
int stackEmpty();
template <class T> void swap(T *a, int h, int l);
void freeMem(int **b);
// =====================
// auxiliary functions
int stack_top=0;
template <class T> void push(T *a, T data)
a[stack_top++] = data;
template <class T> int pop(T *a)
return a[--stack_top];
int stackEmpty()
if (!stack_top) return 1;
return 0;
template <class T> void swap(T *a, int h, int l)
int tmp = a[l];
a[l] = a[h];
a[h] = tmp;
// ==================
// selection sort
template <class T> void selectSort(T *a, int size)
int i, lowest;
for (i=0; i<size-1; i++) {
lowest = i;
for (int j=i+1; j<size; j++)
if (a[j] < a[lowest]) lowest = j;
if (i!=lowest) swap(a, i, lowest);
// ==================
// bubble sort
template <class T> void bubbleSort(T *a, int size)
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
bool work = false;
for (int j=0; j<size-i-1; j++) {
if (a[j] > a[j+1]) {
swap(a, j, j+1);
work = true;
if (!work) break;
// ==================
// insertion sort
template <class T> void insSort(T *a, int size)
int j, i;
for (i=1; i<size; i++) {
int tmp = a[i];
for (j=i-1; j>=0 && tmp < a[j]; j--)
a[j+1] = a[j];
a[j+1] = tmp;
// ===================
// quick sort
template <class T> int partition(T *a, int lb, int ub)
// considering the middle element as pivot avoids unnecessary
// passes in case array is already sorted. Never suffer O(n2).
swap(a, lb, (lb+ub)/2);
int small_end = lb;
for (int large_end=lb; large_end<ub; large_end++) {
if (a[large_end+1] < a[lb])
swap(a, ++small_end, large_end+1);
swap(a, lb, small_end);
return small_end;
template <class T> void quickSort(T *a, int size)
int lb=0, ub=size, pivot;
int stack[size*2];
push(stack, lb);
push(stack, ub);
while (!stackEmpty()) {
ub = pop(stack);
lb = pop(stack);
if (lb >= ub) continue;
pivot = partition(a, lb, ub);
push(stack, lb);
push(stack, pivot-1);
push(stack, pivot+1);
push(stack, ub);
template <class T> void quickSortRecursive(T *a, int lb, int ub)
if (lb >= ub) return;
int p_end = partition(a, lb, ub);
quickSortRecursive(a, lb, p_end-1);
quickSortRecursive(a, p_end+1, ub);
// =================
// heap sort
template <class T> void reHeap(T *a, int start, int end)
while (start*2+1 <= end) {
int ch_indx = start*2 +1;
int sw_indx = start;
if (a[sw_indx] < a[ch_indx])
sw_indx = ch_indx;
if (ch_indx+1 <= end && a[sw_indx] < a[ch_indx+1])
sw_indx = ++ch_indx;
if (sw_indx != start)
swap(a, sw_indx, start);
start = sw_indx;
template <class T> void heapSort(T *a, int size)
int last_root = (size-2)/2;
while (last_root >= 0) {
reHeap(a, last_root, size-1);
int last = size-1;
while (last > 0) {
swap(a, 0, last);
reHeap(a, 0, --last);
// =================
// mergesort
template <class T> void mergeParts(T *a, int lb, int mid, int ub)
T storage[ub-lb+1];
int i, j, k;
//cout<<"lb: "<<lb<<" ub: "<<ub<<endl;
for (i=lb, k=0, j=mid+1; i<=mid && j<=ub; k++)
storage[k] = a[i] < a[j] ? a[i++] : a[j++];
while (i <= mid)
storage[k++] = a[i++];
while (j <= ub)
storage[k++] = a[j++];
for (i=0; i<=ub-lb; i++)
a[j++] = storage[i];
template <class T> void mergeSort(T *a, int size)
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=size; i=i*2) {
for (j=0; j<size-i; j=j+i*2)
// mid = (j + j+2*i)/2 = i+j
mergeParts(a, j, j+i-1, MIN(j+2*i-1, size-1));
template <class T> void mergeSortRecursive_(T *a, int lb, int ub)
if (lb >= ub) return;
int mid = (ub+lb)/2;
mergeSortRecursive_(a, lb, mid);
mergeSortRecursive_(a, mid+1, ub);
mergeParts(a, lb, mid, ub);
// ===================
// radix sort
#define BASE 10
#define MAX 32
template <class T> void reNew(T **ptr, int *size)
T *tmp = new T [*size+MAX];
for (int i=0; i<*size; i++)
tmp[i] = *((*ptr)+i);
delete *ptr;
*ptr = tmp;
(*size) += MAX;
void freeMem(int **b)
for (int i=0; i<BASE; i++)
delete b[i];
template <class T> void radixSort(T *a, int size)
int *buckets[BASE]; // BASE number of buckets
int indx_t[BASE][BASE] = { 0 }; // tracks current index for each bucket and bucket size
int i; // indx on row [0], bucket size on [1]
long highest = a[0];
for (i=0; i<BASE; i++) { // initially fixed amount of mem for each bucket
buckets[i] = new T [MAX];
indx_t[1][i] = MAX;
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
if (a[i] > highest) highest=a[i];
ULONG m=10, n=1;
ULONG indx;
while (highest*10 >= m) {
// put numbers into buckets
for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
indx = (a[i] % m) / n;
buckets[indx][indx_t[0][indx]++] = a[i];
// if next indx > current size, reallocate mem for bucket
if ( !(indx_t[0][indx] % indx_t[1][indx]) )
reNew(&buckets[indx], &indx_t[1][indx]);
// copy back and reset index counters
for (i=0; i<BASE; i++) {
int j = 0;
while (j < indx_t[0][i])
a[indx++] = buckets[i][j++];
indx_t[0][i] = 0;
m *= BASE;
n *= BASE;
// ===================
// display
template <class T> void display(T *a, int size)
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
cout<<a[i]<<" ";
// ==================
int main()
int data[] = {5,382,132,22,702,52,62,102,52,26};
int len = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]);
display(data, len);
mergeSort(data, len);
//mergeSortRecursive(data, 0, len);
//quickSortRecursive(data, 0, len);
//radixSort(data, len);
display(data, len);
struct split *stringSplit (char *str, char *delim)
char **token_array;
*token_array = NULL;
allocPtrs (token_array);
char *token = str, *saveptr;
unsigned int bulk = 1, j;
for (j=0; ; token=NULL) {
token = strtok_r (token, delim, &saveptr);
if (token) {
if (j == bulk*CHAR_PTRS) {
allocPtrs (token_array);
*token_array+j = calloc (1, strlen (token)+1);
if (! *token_array+j )
error ("calloc");
strcpy (*token_array+j, token);
else break;
struct split *s_arr = calloc (sizeof(struct split), 1);
s_arr->num = j;
s_arr->token_array = token_array;
return s_arr;
stringlib.c: In function ‘stringSplit’:
stringlib.c:50:28: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
*token_array+j = calloc (1, strlen (token)+1);
...My bad
btw it's D0xBase
the antimalware laboratoriesalmost read it animalware
Nice to see you back again
This is some cool stuff I guess it only works on Linux as it uses curses? meh... curses are damn hard to understand heh
+cookie to you, sir.
Btw there are too many blocks.