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Messages - Amy_016h

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Mine never works, the ones I've found online don't have the password txt file with it that stores passwords. Can you please help? And would the page work offline too if enter a password for testing?

P.S: Which free webhost is perfect to store phishing files?

General discussion / What kind of passwords do celebs use?
« on: January 20, 2013, 07:45:52 AM »
For Twitter & FB? And if someone has all the info from their mom & dad's date of birth to the person's childhood friends, how long will it take to guess their password without using keyloggers etc. Do celebs use their closed ones as password, like if their half of posts are about how they love their best friends, will password be something about them?

Just make a keylogger for ipad/iphone by using BT and send that to your victim by any social engineering technique.
Hey, Thanks a lot for the BT suggestion, that's awesome! I will, thank you again.

If they are using WLAN to access internet, then I would suggest session hijacking, sniffing, and all sorts of MITM attacks. But for that purpose you MUST be connected to their network! I've heard that linux gurus can compromise ios easily. I don't know if this is true.
Thanks a lot for the help!

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There is only iKeyMoniter Keylogger for apple products that I've heard but it says that I'll have to manually install it on the cell phone or IPad I want to hack. That's impossible for me, is there anyway to hack email & FB on iPhone/iPad remotely? Phishing pages is the only alternative I could find but I couldn't find any good file storage site for that.

Hacking and Security / Re: How to access the HQ pics
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:25:42 AM »
You can just increase the imege quality by using softwairs like adobe camara raw or light room . Thats what i do. And welcome to EZ.

Thank you, I'll try that. :-)

If you're talking about stock pics, look around in
A lot of high quality stock photos are available for free and there's a entire section called stock photos and also, there's a community of stock photo authors who have amazing galleries full of stock pics, brushes, patterns, templates etc.
Thanks for the reply. I use usually for textures, and templates. But the problem is with this indian site: They offer low quality images for unregistered users, although they do have 1000+ res. of the same image but only registered users can view those. It'd really mean a lot if someone could help me with this.


Hacking and Security / Re: How to access the HQ pics
« on: January 06, 2013, 11:00:50 AM »
Thanks for replying. Just checked your blog. Well, there is one, and it's an indian site, here it is: Please help me out, I actually tried to hack one or two people's emails there because judging by their comments, they are newbies and would easily get hacked by using a Keylogger but sadly my keylogger isn't working for me right now. If you can access the HQ pics then that's great, I'd owe you!

Hacking and Security / How to access the HQ pics
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:08:32 AM »
There are some sites that offer low-quality pics for unregistered users, and high-quality pics for the registered ones, is there any way to access the HQ images without registering? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
P.S: On a quick google search, here is a site like the ones I'm talking about:

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