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Messages - r00t

Pages: [1] 2 3
For your knowledge, none of the staff/minds behind evilzone hacked progenic, it wasn't planned etc.
But you are describing a situation that you are hacking a website, and not every one is willing you to help you hack that website who is equals to crime, its not when your just on a mission,  and you got permission from the server/website owner.

well guys wht is this forum for then ??
wht is "hacking and security mean" ???
and why there are a sub forum "Vulnerable Websites" to post vuln site even you dont have permision by site owner ???

i'm ethic not black and i never destroy some one web by defacing it. i learn to know how it work in real situation. how you will learn rooting is by root it but not destroy it in real.

You are obviously not asking the right question(s). Or you join, ask the question and leave again in 5 mins. That is not how IRC works :P You have to stick around in order to get answers, unless you are lucky and some guy picks your question up right away ;)

well mate. i will try to stay as long as i can on IRC :P
then lets see if i can have an answer from you (i doubt will not)

Additionally, not everyone is willing to answer these direct how2commit crime questions.

what you mean about crime question ?
is this community not allow about hacking ?
why this sub forum title contain word "hacking". my question is part of hacking not a crime \m/
this just like you hack progenic and change all link to point to evilzone site, right ;)
is that a crime ?

nah xor why you not answer me on irc :(
anyway thanks for comment :)

but its hard to me gain root. do you have an exploit for 2.6.18 64bit ??

Well i never have an answer in EZ IRC so i decide to post here may be some kind donatur want to help me :P
always never get answer when me chat on irc. damn :P

Ok here is my problem.

i have upload my shell on vuln web and get inside to look around the server. thats a good server. new and up to date. so i found there are many user on that server /home/{username}/public_html around 24 .
i try browse to 1 user folder web home say /home/user1/public_html but i dont have access to it. permision denied. so i try it with symlink.

first i symlink to /home/user1/public_html but fail.
then i try symlink it to /home/user1/public_html/index.php but failed too.

then my question is that another trick with symlink ??
must i use private shell on that server ?
how to play with that server, i'm bore cant do anything there :(

so if you want become donatur to help me and try to gain root/symlink in that server let me know then i will give you link wheres my shell.

Thank you  ;)

Vouch you ^^

Here you go:

I used Internet Download Manager (IDM) with IDM CC (Firefox Add-on)

wOW thanks you Mr. satan. i use idm and idm add on on ff 4.0 but the pop up not apear :(

You probably need an ap who caputers the packets\cache from the video.
Screen recorder ap is also an option.
Holy shit, that video is one crazy catch :P Probably fake tho, but non the less.

Ontopic; Guessing a good screen recorder will do? :P But its a rather gay method yes

:\ i'm not like to use screen recorder. any other option dude ?
a years ago i have an article how to download things like this but my article lost :((
i cant find thats a good tutorial :(

Hi. i'm stuck and need some help from evilzoner :)
can someone give me short tutorial how to download online streaming video that cant be download even i have used IDM integrate on my FF browser.
the IDM pop-up link download not apear when i play this video. not like in youtube. this is diff.
may be like metacafe.
here is an example the streaming video:

*Hey why i cant click all image BBcode in this forum. i use FF 4.0 browser. shift + A to improve image not work. or must Shift + R ??

General discussion / Re: I need a good uploader application
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:41:56 PM »

Lame, I know... With this kind of speed I can't download anything from trackers quick enough to seed for people, because when I add a movie to dl with 1 few seeders, until I reach half, 100 already has downloaded, so seeding gets to 0.
Thank god for unique trackers URL's :D I R cheatin' in a legal way.

still i'm the slowest here :(

General discussion / Re: I need a good uploader application
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:48:22 AM »
actually, you're download speed is pretty terrible:P.
mine is 

Waw this is crazy O.O
mine is

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypass School Security Filter
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:55:21 AM »
Ah may be i find something good for this :p
try use this:

DNS Jumper v1.04

If you want to change your DNS settings with one click, DNS Jumper is the best and easiest solution for you. It's freeware and portable ( does not need installation ). As you probably know, Google announced that they have released public DNS servers in order to to speed up computer user access to ..


Download Here

General discussion / Re: What are your favorite songs?
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:13:28 AM »

Beautifull :p

Hacking and Security / Re: Bypass School Security Filter
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:30:31 AM »

General discussion / Re: Free Web Hosting support PHP + 50GB space
« on: April 22, 2011, 01:12:34 PM »
any intrests me setting it up, ofcourse after a terminal to log in with an ez password :D
hi factionwar. i want one. can you give me a free host ?

thnx b4

General discussion / Re: Free Web Hosting support PHP + 50GB space
« on: April 22, 2011, 12:24:18 PM »

Pages: [1] 2 3

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