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Messages - Rcoombz

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: Networking - the basics - Part 2/2
« on: January 05, 2013, 07:41:38 PM »
Redbull, sorry for any bad grammar. I'm testing my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.  This thing is a godsend for people who love screenshots and taking notes. which is me no doubt.   thanks again

Tutorials / Re: Networking - the basics - Part 2/2
« on: January 05, 2013, 07:39:33 PM »
no worries RedBULL. A little about me.  I AM 32 and have been in the telephony field since age 18.  I started with NEC digital pbxs then moved into Cisco Routing & Switching around age 26 when VoIP really started to saturate the market. I currently have a full CCIE setup with a rack and of course GNS3 running my virtual lab based off off Voice lab.  I started with GNS3 workbench by nectar.  its a free virtual machine based of ubuntu and the programmer has probably a 100 or so custom labs. it's super sweet if you haven't already checked it out. anyway I have All the CBT, Trainsignal and INE training videos. if you ever need anything just PM me and I'll gladly hook you up.  ;)

anyway I was just assigned implementing Cisco's Identity Service Engine along with Airtight security for wireless security.  that's what has brought me over to the penetration testing to really hone my skills on how these attacks happen and to be honest, I'm now hooked on this stuff.  I think it will add a nice compliment to my resume and it's definitely sharpened my skills as far as what the packet looks like at every node and how you can transport nearly anything regardless of the port number.  ok that's enough, I just wanted to say Thank You for the Cisco training. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge.


Tutorials / Re: Networking - the basics - Part 2/2
« on: January 05, 2013, 06:49:14 PM »
awesome work. I'm working towards my CCIE for Voice and these are awesome notes for my Samsung Galaxy Note. any way you can do some advanced topics life BGP or whatever you feel the most knowledgable about. I'm a student first and always appreciate the cheatsheet. Thanks again.

Your best bet is to locate the mac address of a printer or something that's not 802.1X compaitable. They use what's called MAB (Mac Authentication Bypass) this will allow you access unless there profling. This will look for traits of a printer and if your frames don't resemble that of a printer you'll be kicked right back off.  It's tough to get on when they've spent that kind of money on preventing you from getting on.  You dig.... 8)


Pages: [1]

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