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Messages - Rusty

Pages: [1]
Yes, RSA-2048 will basically kill all my efforts. I'm hoping for some lazy coders implementing something easy reversible encryption  :D


I have a client which is infected with ransom virus (

What it does:
1. Append to filenames
2. Modify exactly the first 30 000 bits of the file (looks as encryption at first look)
3. Append 4 bits at the end of the file.
4. Ask for money for decryption :)

I've attached a screenshot on the precise end of the encryption and start of real document.

Lucky the document has a predictable output of auto increment numbers.
There are occurring 03 00 00 <3 digit number> 03 00 00

Is there some technique I could apply to narrow down what type of encryption that is ?
Obviously encrypts same bits differently.

I was thinking of frequency analysis but I'm wondering how to apply it to binary file.

It is some form of CryptoLocker probably, but is there a way to confirm RSA-2048 bit encryption ?

Any thoughts are welcome :)

Thank you all!
What a great answer, didn't not such a tool exist. Some hard work went into building it :)

Is there any guide to how do you aproach cracking a unknown type of hash ?

Hashes are not immediately obvious MD5 or SHA1. Is there any chatsheat I can learn from ?

For example here are some hashes that I can't find any information about the way they are produced:


they all start alike which is probably a tell-tell sign, but search did not get me any results.

Probably are they are easy to you :)

Best regards,

Welcome back friends ! I' was EZ member from the its early days. And always have sadness because the community fell apart. The changed design is cool and I have faith that things will go the right direction this time! Nice work, Ande !!  ;)

Pages: [1]

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