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Messages - smerkz

Pages: [1]
Hey tech,
thanks for replying and i really appreciate the help man. I do understand the kind of risks I'm taking and how time consuming this can be for a beginner like me but i am willing to learn. All these resources will come in good hands and will be put to good use.
Just another question was this somewhat kind of a similar method they used to hack other consoles? what i mean is, did they tinker with the hardware in order to use modified software/ firmwares?. This could be in relation to other consoles like wii, psp etc.
If it's fine with you man, is it okay if i can pm you time to time if i ever need help? or anyone else you recommend?
Thanks for the help man. Much appreciated.

Cheers Skid.
You've been of great help. I will learn as much as i can. I'll take note of you and won't forget to mention you in future projects.
Thanks again.

Cheers Kulv & Skid. I understand the risk that i am taking. Now i'm on track. Is it possible to link me to some good tutorials about c/c++? & are there any recommended programs that i need?
If there's anyway to get techb to help me out, that would be appreciated

Cheers guys, thanks for helping.

How's it going guys.
I have joined this site because i seek interest in programming/cracking and i believe you guys can help me answer a few simple questions.
I have come from the gaming scene (please don't hate) and would like to learn a thing or two about programing/cracking in that area. My attention has been drawn towards Sony's PS3 patches. To me it just seems amazing how Custom Firmware works and i love the effort and time these programmers put into cracking the firmware.
So my question is for anyone that knows is, what language and programs do i need to learn in order to create my own firmware? I know that it will be time consuming, but i am willing to take the time and learn no matter how long.
My next question is will i able to use this knowledge for software cracking or game cracks? or is that in a different area?
It'll be great to link me to a few tutorials as i am lost on what to learn.

Cheers guys.

Pages: [1]

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