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Messages - parad0x

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 24
Just getting the work done is like even chimps are happy, I won't settle just for happiness ;)
That was what I wanted to clear out. Thanks and yeah, JS is quite insane, I have seen the pain.

Came around it as an advertisement in Torrent. Seems quite interesting but how efficient it will be, I mean Robotics in JavaScript?

C - C++ / [Que]Resources on the newer or the latest kernel dev
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:49:42 PM »
So I started to do some kernel dev and the biggest problem is all the books are on Kernel 2.6.x while there are some major changes in kernel after 3.2 or around that. I started this book on writing device drivers, in the starting all was good, the part where I got lost is as the book is on kernel 2.6.10, it explains structures file_operations, inode, file and some more in a good way but the problem is the structure members are changed, some are added, some are removed and I didn't find a way to look for the documentation of these members, structures, functions. :(
I failed to find something that has some good explanation of the stuff added, and am lost. Any resource on where I can look for to get a good understanding of stuff?

P.S. I was  quite confused where to post it so  :P

General discussion / Re: New Bow, early christman present =)
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:30:26 AM »
Damn. Bows these days look nothing like classic bows - where the hell do you put an arrow to it lol.
The first thing came to my mind but still, looks quite cool. :D

Beginner's Corner / Re: C++ IDE/Compiler for Windows 10 ?
« on: December 09, 2015, 04:36:20 AM »
Microsoft Visual Studio :D
Btw it would be better if you tell what is the specific problem so we may help.

Tutorials / Mistakes done while shellcoding
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:13:39 AM »
Wrote this months ago on my blog, before the college started and after the college started, never got time to post anything. Wandering on IRC, came to my mind of my blog, thought why not to share it with you guys here. :D

In this post, I’ll be telling you what mistakes you people are doing when writing shellcode and how to keep stuff simple by avoiding them.

Mistake 1

The most common mistake people do is to first write the shellcode in C and then tear it apart and remove unnecessary assembly code. In almost every tutorial I have ever seen on shellcoding, the methodology to write the shellcode is :

1.) Write it in C
2.) Disassemble it and remove unnecessary assembly code.
3.) Write the necessary code (obviously assembly) in separate assembly source code file.
4.) Assemble and run it and then extract the opcodes.

Removing bad characters is optional as it depends on the type of input and in some cases, not even null bytes in the shellcode matters. ;) Good news, right cause it saved you from the overhead of using appropriate register and memory sizes and operands to eliminate null bytes but anyways this process it too long.

This methodology is very common even in the best books and resources on shellcoding like in The Shellcoder’s Handbook, and every here and there.

The thing I am saying is if in the end you are writing assembly code, then why the hell you aren’t doing it in first place. Now don’t say you don’t know assembly cause if that is so, then shellcoding isn’t for you. Let’s be honest guys, even in the previous method, it requires you to know assembly.  Coming back to the topic, if you code it in assembly on the first hand, you save a lot if time. OKAY, I admit it takes only a minute to write a Shellcode that pops out a bash shell but then disassembling and analyzing every instruction to see if it is necessary or unnecessary in the code it tiresome and TIME WASTE. If you code it in assembly, you have many advantages.

Advantage No. 1 – It saves your time of writing, studying and removing the extra asm code from C code.
Advantage No. 2 – Since you know what you are doing, you can optimize your shellcode to the extent you want to and no bullshit as it contains only the instruction you want.
Now if you don’t know assembly, then I would really recommend you to go and learn it. I ma not talking to learn advanced assembly but knowing how functions work, how to do simple stuff, moving things here and there, calculations, syscalls and that stuff.

Mistake 2

The point here is a simple logic not being used(at least I haven't seen myself anywhere). Here I am discussing about the famous jmp-call-pop technique of writing shellcodes so as to determine the address of the string at runtime rather than binding it statically in the shellcode. Why we use this? Because if you define the string, usually the program or command name that is to be executed, it gets embedded in the binary but in the shellcode, you need it to be dynamic as the address space will be according to the new, or vulnerable binary in this case, and hence the address will point to something invalid for our use.
When using the jmp-call-pop technique, we do something like this

Code: [Select]

jmp shellcode


              # Code here that is to be executed

shellcode:  call exploit

.ascii “Yo”

Now, this is just a skeleton but this is how it is written. Now ,if you see closely, there is an unnecessary jmp, yes an UNNECESSARY JUMP.
To cut the unnecessary part, we’ll write it in this manner :

Code: [Select]

exploit:  #Code here to be executed

_start: call exploit
             .ascii “Yo”

In the second example(code above), you can see that we have cut the unnecessary part and SAVED 2 BYTES and it is good to save every single byte in shellcode, if you do shellcoding, you’ll know. :)
To be honest, I won’t really call them mistakes but I don’t really have proper words for what they should be called. :p
Possible explanation for why do they did these mistakes in The Shellcoder’s Handbook maybe it didn’t run well, what I did,  on vast majority of systems while what they did, ran well. I have only done only x86 shellcoding till now.

If there is something I said wrong, do let me know, I am also a beginner, learning stuff. I will be thankful to you for your advices. :D

General discussion / Re: Lets talk about names?
« on: December 03, 2015, 08:17:00 AM »
BTW I know this thread had existed on EvilZone, just don't know if it was this rendition or one from the past
relax started it in the random in I guess 2014 Jan or so but was same... meh

For me, it is Professor Paradox

General discussion / Re: XSS in Evilzone
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:03:13 PM »
@parad0x, it is well known that in order to get admin one must hack the internet with a dragon dildo.
I don't think he knows it yet :P

General discussion / Re: XSS in Evilzone
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:39:23 AM »
Dude, how will he rank up now? it was his task... btw that somebody is me, if you didn't forget. Nice work though.

General discussion / Re: Penis bird.
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:13:33 AM »
A bit curious to know, first m0rph was making ascii art on IRC and then asked if I had seen the penisbird. I thought it is another ascii art but he said no, he didn't tell it either and I didn't bother then out of nowhere, I find this thread and am glad am not the only one who doesn't know it. :D As blue and ande said, seems like some sort of badass code.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Phuc Dat Bich and Fb
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:40:48 PM »
Son of: Chod Pyare

*laughs at private joke*
Now this is a pretty lame joke.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Phuc Dat Bich and Fb
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:26:11 AM »

General discussion / Re: Where are you from?
« on: November 22, 2015, 03:36:42 AM »

Found it on the Webs / Re: Phuc Dat Bich and Fb
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:22:23 PM »
Dick Champion

An Ass Rammer

The list is quite hilarious plus there are some in hindi (not on this list) which I can translate to English if you want ;)

Found it on the Webs / Re: Phuc Dat Bich and Fb
« on: November 21, 2015, 03:58:27 PM »
LOL, that is awesome. I would pay to have that on my license.
Bidding start at $1k ...

ive always thought identity theft was wrong. now i think it could also be hilarious. Even if you got caught...the court case would be epic.

Judge: "why did you steal his name"
Me: "Because phuc dat bich"
Judge: "...."
LAWL, cookie for you bro :)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 24

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