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Messages - arci

Pages: [1]
Operating System / Re: Ubuntu 12.10
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:17:09 PM »
Ubuntu is the new Windows, (no offense) see attached picture from latest 12.10 after installing some packages with synaptic.

If you want to try Linux, go with Debian, or Fedora. Also take a look to Crunchbag. It is a good, lightweight distro based on Debian.

Hacking and Security / Re: wireless networks
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:53:00 PM »
As others said, you don't need to install anything to your hdd. Just download Backtrack and boot from Live CD or USB or install only aircrack-ng and crunch.

After booting Backtrack; open terminal and start monitoring
$ airmon-ng start wlan0
$ airodump-ng -w file -a -o cap mon0

and wait until you collect wpa handshake or enough wep ivs. you need a wordlist to crack wpa password, you can use crunch in this case. to crack with crunch;
$ crunch 8 8 | aircrack-ng -w - -b <<macaddress>> file-01.cap

for advanced crunch options see $ man crunch. these 3 steps are enough to crack wep and wpa wifi but advanced options in crunch or good wordlist will decrease cracking time.

or long story is social engineering. be nice to your neighborhoods and sent them gift on special days, talk them, help them and introduce yourself "computer geek", believe me, they will call you when bad things happen to their computer then you can learn wireless key from their pc. Most users use automatic connection which stores password as plain-text.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Brute-forcing with Multi network
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:11:48 PM »
Actually I am trying to design cracking network that runs on volunteers computer. For now I am preparing for md5 and aircrack only.

For example, 20 people are willing to join this network to crack one wifi network. Client script (written in python) will fetch the cap file and wordlist range from server (written in python) then every computer will try to crack from their wordlist range. that's all.

1. pc; 00000000 - 09999999
2. pc; 10000000 - 19999999 ... and so

Are hackers using something like this on zombie computers? If not, they should. Because you can easily crack the hardest password with hundreds of zombie pces.

Projects and Discussion / Brute-forcing with Multi network
« on: December 04, 2012, 01:44:48 PM »
Hello everyone, this is a nice community to share ideas and knowledge. So, here is my first topic;

FTP/MySQL password guesing from multi-network is a good idea or it will become DDoS rather than password guesing?

Just think about 20 different network/pc and all have internet access and I have access to them (or they are willing to try this). Simple python script will fine with multi-threaded ftp/MySQL connection.

Most ftp servers have a limit for currently connected client but mysql don't. One network can make 20 request per second/2 seconds (based on connection) and that will be equal to 400 request per second.

Is it a good idea or just a "garbage".

Pages: [1]

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