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Messages - The_Falcon_Wolf

Pages: [1]
Creative Arts / Re: Rap battle anyone? Give it a go [text]
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:10:02 AM »
Come on... Someone reply...  :-\

Creative Arts / Re: Rap battle anyone? Give it a go [text]
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:29:11 PM »
Ha ha ha!
Who? Me you tryin' to deceive?
Looks like you need a kick,
So that you can freeze!

Look here man,
You've used 'a' before a place where you need 'an',
So you still think you can,
Do this shit?
Well, I do understand,
You need to be taught the grip!

Ima free saturday evening, kid
Call me anytime.
Coz I'll need to teach you,
The rules of rhyme!
But next time,
Make sure you don't screw up this bad!
Else, Ima make you fag,
Ima make you sad!

For now just go home,
And watch me on the TV.
Coz I'm starrin' tonight,
So you'll get to see me.

Keep calm kid,
This stuff takes time.
Keep your pace steady, then
Someday you'll learn to rhyme!

(gosh! I've logged on after a month or so... So busy with my studies, you know! ~ another rhyme :P )

hey guys... I need some time... I've got the most ass kicking three-five months of my life coming up... I'll definitely get sometihing done after that, ok? :/

gosh... so much pressure X(

Creative Arts / Re: inspiration problems
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:45:40 PM »
Let me tell you something more then...

I've myself dreamt big many times... Yea, many times...

And you know what? 'It' has always fallen apart for me...

Either I've moved away, or just didn't get along with people who think they know too much, or maybe even my mindset has changed...

And you know something more? I still haven't stopped dreaming big :D

Luck is an opportunity that comes when you're ready for it. So the day you get 'lucky', do let me know ;)

Science / Re: Physics project brainstorming.
« on: November 25, 2012, 07:56:57 PM »
First and foremost, that isn't 'exactly' a windmill...

It's just a device, with a propeller, which winds a thread as it rotates.

Ok. I'll tell you what you basically need.

1) a strong base for the structure - common sense suggests that if you have to raise a 200g wt, the angular speed of the fan being used must be high. But that shouldn't topple over the structure. What you can do is, from the axle of the propeller, just take out two extensions amd clamp them onto the two benches. That's a strong base.

2) light weight, yet a sturdy material for the propeller - also, if the propellers are decently long, then the overall torque on them will be high, causing a greater rotating tendency.

3) a compact weight - which is evenly distributed over it's volume. And also a strong thread...

Ps - for the propellers, I'd suggest you go into one of these hobby-idea stores and check out some aeromodelling propellers...

That's the basics! The remaining is about creativity... And discussion! :)

Creative Arts / Re: inspiration problems
« on: November 25, 2012, 04:43:44 PM »
That really is an 'artiste' thing... The key is to make use of 'that' inspiration, as and when it comes... So ot's always good to keep a notebook in hand...

Creative Arts / Re: CALLING ALL SINGERS! New rap song for evilzone album #2
« on: November 25, 2012, 04:41:00 PM »
You know guys... While resting today, I was kinda visualising this song... Something that would reflect a hacker's mentality and feelings, and also the misconceptions that people have about hacking...

Sometime, say in a week or 3, I'll upload some lyrics here for review...

I'd like to call it 'CUZ WE'RE HACKERS ANYWAY


Creative Arts / Re: Rap battle anyone? Give it a go [text]
« on: November 25, 2012, 04:36:04 PM »
Haha! Thankyou! Thankyou! :D

Well, I don't have a typically good voice, but I can manage low notes... I write, compose, play... Been into composing for the past 3 yrs approx... So yea... :)

Creative Arts / Re: CALLING ALL SINGERS! New rap song for evilzone album #2
« on: November 25, 2012, 08:35:19 AM »
Idea seems cool! :D

I can play the guitar, and might just be able to rap...

*acoustic guitar though. I've written a bunch of songs myself; one of them was even for my school's fest and was on youtube and stuff!

So, I'd love to work! But, for the next few months, I'm REALLY busy! With exams and stuff :(

Creative Arts / Re: inspiration problems
« on: November 25, 2012, 08:28:49 AM »
Well, I myself write songs and stuff, and have been into music for a while...

Here's what I suggest:
1) Always keep a notebook with you. Write, scribble, draw - anything that EVER comes to your mind.
2) Get some air everyday - just take an evening walk, alone. And while doing so, just ask yourself, "Who am I? What do I love? What do I want?"
3) Don't take long breaks - you may never have the incentive to play again, or dream as much again. There are days, when I play my guitar for 4-5 hrs, and there are days wherein I just pick t up for 15min. Infact, it'll all the same - just show yourself how much you love music.
4) Whenever you're done with something, record it. Publicize it. And be open to criticizm - don't get swayed by it. It should just motive you to work harder.
5) find someone who cares - first about you, and then about your music... Jam up, talk nonsense, have icecream together, dream together... This helps a LOT
6) and finally, have fun! :-)

if you need any real help, with lyrics and stuff, feel dree to message me! :D

ps - all ideas never work; only some do. I myself scrap iut about 60% of my attempts. But that is one of the best ways to learn and improve :)

Creative Arts / Re: Rap battle anyone? Give it a go [text]
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:20:33 PM »
Ow! Looks like the kids are playn this case,
Some fame, some shit they're tryin to chase!

Back up! Back up!
Now, clear the floor!
Can't you see, the king's here
To give you a sore
Cmon! Get it straight...
You all'll be apologetic
But that's ok...
It ain't my first time, I should let you know...
I may be new to the hood, but yea, so?

Ima wipe out you trash,
Make you look like fools;
Buy you all tickets,
For a stay at the zoo...

It ain't cool using slang,
Can't you see I've used none?
Keep it clean, keep it real,
Well, that's just fun...

You see,
There's no point refuting me,
The way you are, you'll always be,
No improvent, no serenity...
Blank and negative sagacity...

So I'm off now,
Dead tired; need rest...
On monday, I've got a chemisrty test

(yes... For real)
so wish me luck...
In my absence, kids please don't f***

#Diaclaimer - hehe... Just having fun... Nothing personal \m/,

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