Community => General discussion => Topic started by: parrot15 on February 21, 2016, 07:32:59 AM
In my English class we have this really boring thing we have to do every week where we have to go to this site (membean) and study vocabulary words for 135 minutes every week. So I made a script in Javascript that did the membean for me by continuously clicking this button called "pass" that I found hidden inside the website's html (they didnt do a good job hiding it). I don't know why they implemented such a thing in their html code, but nevertheless, the "pass" button would automatically count the question right and move on to the next question so my script simply continuously pressed this button until my weekly dose of membean was done. I used this script for a few months until my teacher announced that membean learned about people using scripts to do membean and they made methods to catch scripters like me, probably by logging me whenever the "pass" button was activated. I unfortunately had used my script the day before the teacher announced this. So now, my minutes of doing membean for this week were negated and I was given a 0 for this week. The teacher said she would be very mad at people who were scripting. She announced that scripting was illegal (which many of my friends doubt). Still, I am quite worried now. Can I get away from this situation? Should I continue finding better ways to "effectively" do my assignments more carefully or should I just do the work? Please help me and please provide constructive criticism if needed.
In my English class we have this really boring thing we have to do every week where we have to go to this site (membean) and study vocabulary words for 135 minutes every week. So I made a script in Javascript that did the membean for me by continuously clicking this button called "pass" that I found hidden inside the website's html (they didnt do a good job hiding it). I don't know why they implemented such a thing in their html code, but nevertheless, the "pass" button would automatically count the question right and move on to the next question so my script simply continuously pressed this button until my weekly dose of membean was done. I used this script for a few months until my teacher announced that membean learned about people using scripts to do membean and they made methods to catch scripters like me, probably by logging me whenever the "pass" button was activated. I unfortunately had used my script the day before the teacher announced this. So now, my minutes of doing membean for this week were negated and I was given a 0 for this week. The teacher said she would be very mad at people who were scripting. She announced that scripting was illegal (which many of my friends doubt). Still, I am quite worried now. Can I get away from this situation? Should I continue finding better ways to "effectively" do my assignments more carefully or should I just do the work? Please help me and please provide constructive criticism if needed.
So you bascially have perfect scores due to this ?
In that case it would be more than obvious something is wrong.
How about timing , there is no human being capable of hitting 40 correct variables in 0.08s , see where I am going?
If you're in the mood for some very troublesome, albeit very satisfactory chaos, you can literally tell her to fuck off the next time she pesters you about such a stupid thing.
Your English seems perfectly fine to me, it's rather obvious you don't need to waste two hours of your time every week for this shit.
Proxx's suggestion seems to be the way to go, though if they log regardless of timing (they likely do, since you said it was hidden) you're in tough luck: you'll have to apologize and promise not to do it again, which you'll most likely get away with. Otherwise, tell her to fuck off.
Where i live my teachers donĀ“t even know what "scripting" means...
I would keep trying the scripts and things like that, anyway classes are kinda boring and at least you would have the opportunity of learning or improving more at something ( i m saying this as if i was in your situation... never really cared that much for the classes;)
Well that sucks. I can understand both of your positions - your teacher lacks the basic computer terminology, but wants you to make your homework honestly, even tho it sucks for everyone, so she tries the scare tactic. What you did could be classified as cheating if she's in a bad mood and as stupid as it may sound, you could get hurt because of it... again because people are stupid.
I also understand you, trying to automate repetitive and boring tasks... it's what I would do as well... actually it's what I always do :P
Now about the solution to this... if you say the button is hidden, then they probably log it all the time, so you can't always press it. You could implement random delays to fuck up their time logging, but it would still count towards a correct total score since you say that this button somehow marks the answer as correct. But you could also implement a random answer selection along with random delays, so that you get some of the answers wrong (on purpose).
My guess is that this pass button has some kind of special meaning, so they could have a trigger which notifies them whenever it was used...
Ok, in short, I don't think you have a 100% full-proof solution to this, because they probably have triggers for the button or someshit, idk. :P
Since Javascript runs in the browser, you have most of the work cut out for you. You just need to simulate more of what a human could do in a browser, so we come back to timing and perfection. You don't always have to get the answers correct and since it is a week long assignment, the script can take as much time as it wants on mostly those right answers. Unless it has a timeout on how long you can think, which if it had can easily be taken care of too, then just let script think enough on those answers but randomly.