
Hacking and Security => Hacking and Security => Topic started by: zer0ping on January 13, 2016, 04:38:12 AM

Title: Password Security ?
Post by: zer0ping on January 13, 2016, 04:38:12 AM
Hey guys, a pretty simple question.

Does anyone encode their passwords? For example, if my password was "nickelback" and i encode it in ascii, and delete every space in between numbers, it would be "110105099107101108098097099107049" (with spaces, it is "110 105 099 107 101 108 098 097 099 107 049").  That's a helluva lot safer than "nickelback"  ;D


Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: proxx on January 13, 2016, 07:44:12 AM
Hey guys, a pretty simple question.

Does anyone encode their passwords? For example, if my password was "nickelback" and i encode it in ascii, and delete every space in between numbers, it would be "110105099107101108098097099107049" (with spaces, it is "110 105 099 107 101 108 098 097 099 107 049").  That's a helluva lot safer than "nickelback"  ;D

Numeric is the smallest character space there is , honestly , hard to remember, weak and too long for practical use.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: Kurajber on January 14, 2016, 12:09:42 AM
Hey guys, a pretty simple question.

Does anyone encode their passwords? For example, if my password was "nickelback" and i encode it in ascii, and delete every space in between numbers, it would be "110105099107101108098097099107049" (with spaces, it is "110 105 099 107 101 108 098 097 099 107 049").  That's a helluva lot safer than "nickelback"  ;D


If your password was "nickelback", you could just add some more words and achieve the same level of security like with your example. Eg. nickelbackfaggotssuckdicksreallyhard - way easier to remember.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: zer0ping on January 14, 2016, 01:30:39 AM
Yeah, sounds smarter.

But if i could write my passwords in, say, notes in my phone, wouldn it better to encode a word, or a set of words, in some protocol? not necessary only numbers?

Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: Kurajber on January 14, 2016, 02:28:02 AM
If you want to store your passwords somewhere I'd suggest you to use a password management software. I am not using any, so I can't recommend a specific one, but a lot of people here are, so they'll give you opinions if you're not sure which one to pick.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: kenjoe41 on January 14, 2016, 08:10:57 AM
Keepassx is what i use to keep my passwords.
But there is a way to actually go around without storing any password with any password manager but yet having too complex passwords for the human mind to remember. It is by using a custom made password generator using an algorithm that is easy to reproduce and something familiar about the site. Xires explained it to me but i lost the notes, gonna look fot it and make a tutorial here.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: gh05t3d on January 17, 2016, 01:12:53 AM
why not combine the old letters/numbers? Deff hard to crack with bruteforcers/pass lists.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: white-knight on January 17, 2016, 01:49:24 AM
Speaking of password security check this out


Just put in something stupid  and read the message at the bottom . It cracked me up thinking of all the kids on here trying to hack their school computers lol
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: 0pt1musPr1m3 on January 17, 2016, 08:09:08 AM
why not combine the old letters/numbers? Deff hard to crack with bruteforcers/pass lists.

dafuq? are you serious? You really think that makes it that much harder?
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: n01xxv on January 17, 2016, 12:28:08 PM
Number of possibility for a password with the length n and k is the possible number of character :

So I think that n1ckl3b4ck is not so secure :D

Try password like passphrases type :
alula undress hiccup maison sorry dedicate gombroon shoal kingfish
And you can add some special caracter :
alula!undress#hiccup;Maisonsorry dedicate.gombroon,sh0alkingfish

But don't do thing that are derived from nickelback it can be guessable ;) Only use random caracter or passphrase with random words choose on different dictionnaries.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: kenjoe41 on January 17, 2016, 03:06:45 PM
why not combine the old letters/numbers? Deff hard to crack with bruteforcers/pass lists.
There are faster bruteforcers that are going ot put you to shem if combined with permutations. This is shitballs.
Title: Re: Password Security ?
Post by: Syntax990 on January 17, 2016, 05:37:44 PM
Encoding passwords has always felt like bullshit to me. It gives a false sense of security of your password actually being more secure.

Password basics are well known. More characters, lower, upper, special and numbers in a random order is more than sufficient.

Besides, let's say your attacker knows what encoding you are using (In a bruteforce context), they could easily just not include charactors outisde your chosen encoding, further compromising the passwords effectiveness.