
Hacking and Security => Anonymity and Privacy => Topic started by: prowler421 on October 18, 2014, 03:51:45 AM

Title: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: prowler421 on October 18, 2014, 03:51:45 AM
Hello guys,

I want to delete all of my facebook activity 'till 2014, but without unfriend all of my friends - i considering doing that by sending an applying to facebook help team and ask them for it. Now, i have three questions before the sending:
1. Can they do that (deleting the activity without the unfriending action)?
2. Can i force them to do that (if so, please attach links at the replies)?
3. Stems from question 2 - can i force them to delete the information from their servers?

I'm trying to avoid the pass of each comment, like or post - it's tiring and incredibly annoying.

If you have other options, i'll be glad to hear them out.

prowler421 :)
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activity?
Post by: proxx on October 18, 2014, 04:19:12 AM
Forget it, along with the backups kept for eternity.
They fuck you and you agreed with the terms.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activity?
Post by: z3ro on October 18, 2014, 04:45:31 AM
First locate their servers, on which they kept user data.

Next, you could either hack into, then purge everything from existence, OR you could bomb/ nuke those fucking server.  ::)

Otherwise Facebook owns your data. You're screwed. Get over it.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: prowler421 on October 18, 2014, 05:04:30 AM
Thank you for the replies - i'm talking about something like "the right to be forgotten", for exmaple:
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: proxx on October 18, 2014, 05:32:46 AM
Thank you for the replies - i'm talking about something like "the right to be forgotten", for exmaple:
Not gonna happen, forget it, we lost that ship a long long time ago.
Do not have the illusion that the host is the only one with full permanent access to the data, the fact that are tons and tons of copies defeats any purpose.
Good luck on your quest.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: shadowwolf on October 18, 2014, 05:54:39 AM
Facebook owns everything you post on Facebook. You're screwed, sorry.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: XiLLy on October 18, 2014, 10:15:58 AM
There's no point in asking Facebook to delete your data. They will say that they have done so but in reality they will always keep a backup of ALL your information and activity for various uses. The only thing you can do is to delete your Facebook account and start a new one on which you won't give out any detailed personal information (you could put fake information for the most part) so that individuals who might wish to dox you would not be able to get hold of your info.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: Architect on October 18, 2014, 12:55:28 PM
Facebook is run by people from the Information Awareness Office (IAO) which is run by former Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) and CIA employees/agents. Face it, just like many before you and after you have and will realize, that you cannot be private anymore. Also, Facebook keeps backups upon backups of slave logs and server data. There is no way to track all of it down even with advanced algorithms. Your information (which you willingly supplied to the government and third parties), is now circling so many agencies they don't know what to do with it. Grats. The best way to go is delete your social networks and live off the grid. Which nobody nowadays can even attempt, without using cell phones and internet. Welcome to the world of the slaves.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: prowler421 on October 18, 2014, 01:25:42 PM
Thank you for the replies - the main concern for me, is as XiLLY said above - being doxed. The fact that facebook will still hold information about me, worries me a lot less, than the fact that someone outside the company might get it.

I'm trying to minimize the possibility of finding information about me, along with actions that will make the information discovery harder than usual. I'm quite aware to the fact that anonymity is an illusion - but if i can take actions and secure my personal data, why not?

It is clear now that I have the wisdom to use all kinds of security measures and encryption when browsing, along with the insight that i should not spread too much information about me on social networks. The problem lies in the past, when I was young and ignorant :)
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: Kulverstukas on October 18, 2014, 01:55:38 PM
It is your fault that you have a FB account and are so careless about shit you post there. Now embrace the anal sex that Facebook team provides.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: akweth on October 19, 2014, 02:00:08 PM
If you're less worried about Facebook holding your personal information and more worried about your average Joe getting hold of it, then the easiest thing to do is either:

A) Delete your account, set up a new one with minimal info, re-add your friends
B) Go back and manually delete all your previous posts

Both of these are time-consuming and annoying, but probably the closest you'll get to your goal. Like everyone's said already, if you have a FB you're already bending over at their command. The FB bods won't delete your past posts for you, you'll have to do it yourself.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: shadowwolf on October 19, 2014, 04:43:25 PM
Thank you for the replies - the main concern for me, is as XiLLY said above - being doxed. The fact that facebook will still hold information about me, worries me a lot less, than the fact that someone outside the company might get it.
I hope you are ok with big corporations having your data. Facebook sells people's info for money.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: prowler421 on October 20, 2014, 12:40:13 PM
I hope you are ok with big corporations having your data. Facebook sells people's info for money.
Even if i'm not - in this case, there is nothing i can do anyway
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: Architect on October 20, 2014, 01:49:43 PM
Even if i'm not - in this case, there is nothing i can do anyway
Said nobody that changed history ever.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: Bark# on March 24, 2015, 04:14:59 PM
I lol'd at this entire thread, mostly because all of you guys were saying "you're screwed" and should just admit it, then he admits it at the very end, in which case its said "well you're not gonna change anything with that attitude" even after you guys were telling him that he is screwed and that he should get over it. Just lol.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: iTpHo3NiX on March 25, 2015, 01:48:50 AM
/vote BoS

Necro, last reply was Oct. 20th, 2014
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: v32itas on March 27, 2015, 09:14:32 AM
Yes of course there is no point in asking facebook to delete your data. They are not going to do that. But what you can do about all of this, is to use disinformation. You need to report your account as fake by using someone else account(not sure if newly created accounts can be used). When account get's flagged as fake facebook requests some kind of proof of your identity. And until you provide it. All your messages becomes unreadable to other facebook users something like [flagged as spam]. So you can leave it in this way which is quite OK. Or you can create synthetic identity and pull everything on the guy that is nonexistent. You gonna need some kind of .psd template of driving license or id. So you cannot directly delete all your facebook activities, but you can use such deception by disinformation to get rid of that burden.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: Bark# on March 30, 2015, 01:12:35 AM
Hey, hey dont shoot me for stating the obvious about what really went down, just thought it was funny (honestly, it was). Evilzone is great, and the best forum for me in my own opinion.

He can do something aout it (or she), thats not what I was addressing. Again, just was commenting on inconsistency of the conversation.

I do realize that this was in 2014, sorry for bumping the thread on my part.
Title: Re: What is the best way to delete all of my facebook activities?
Post by: sh4d0w_w4tch on April 07, 2015, 09:17:23 PM
You should rename your account before deleting it because when you delete it, all of your messages will retain your real name, only with your name as black text instead of a hyperlink.  If you sent a message to someone saying "hey come join my 1337 troll group" then your name will be recorded as the founder of that group and there will be no way to change that once the account is deleted.  I recommend changing your name on the account and then removing all information.  If deleting the account deletes comments than I suggest doing that after your name is changed because who knows how many compromising comments you have posted around the pages and groups.