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Found it on the Webs / Re: VPN Pivot!
« Last post by ram1r3z0 on February 29, 2016, 08:38:41 PM »
Do you know something like that for Windows environments ?
Windows client and server

Thank you
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by TheWormKill on February 29, 2016, 06:30:03 PM »
It is odd to me  that when I asked if there is a check on admin power in any way, people got angry.
If you read my posts in this thread, you will notice that I never accused any individual mod, or the mods on here in general of silencing anyone, or of abusing their mod power.
I never stated that I felt like I was silenced myself, or in any way targeted or treated unfairly.

This thread is about some changes to policy in regards to censorship, and extension of moderation power (I understand mods could always remove posts, this thread is talking about increasing mod censorship) and whenever something like that comes up in a forum, or any community it is always prudent to discuss ways to protect all forum or community members (even countries have constitutions or other documents that lay out methods to try to ensure fair use of leadership powers).

Why  the hostility here? Why turn to insults?
It is sentiments like this that make me concerned that mod abuse of power could potentially be a problem.
Apparently some mods are not secure enough to handle a lowly member of community  questioning their ideas. Lack of being open to criticism is a pretty sever flaw for leaders to have.
Again, I want to point out that nowhere in my previous posts on this thread did I insult anyone, or make any accusations. So those kind of insulting, heavy handed replies are pretty unnecessary,
Your questions were repetitive and iT got annoyed after some iterations. Given the size of the staff, power abuse is unlikely and I don't know of any cases so far (you can always ask someone else if you feel treated in an unfair manner). To stop this discussion now, I close the thread, it's derailed anyway:
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by r4kk00n on February 29, 2016, 06:26:34 PM »
It is odd to me  that when I asked if there is a check on admin power in any way, people got angry.
If you read my posts in this thread, you will notice that I never accused any individual mod, or the mods on here in general of silencing anyone, or of abusing their mod power.
I never stated that I felt like I was silenced myself, or in any way targeted or treated unfairly.

This thread is about some changes to policy in regards to censorship, and extension of moderation power (I understand mods could always remove posts, this thread is talking about increasing mod censorship) and whenever something like that comes up in a forum, or any community it is always prudent to discuss ways to protect all forum or community members (even countries have constitutions or other documents that lay out methods to try to ensure fair use of leadership powers).

Do you really not read anything I've posted? Doesn't matter if an Mod-Owner silence you. They can do so without this change. Our rules have always been up to interpretation by the staff. If you don't like it you can GTFO. Nothing changes for users with over 5 posts, everything else is the same. Dunno why I need to keep repeating myself.

Why  the hostility here? Why turn to insults?
It is sentiments like this that make me concerned that mod abuse of power could potentially be a problem.
Apparently some mods are not secure enough to handle a lowly member of community  questioning their ideas. Lack of being open to criticism is a pretty sever flaw for leaders to have.
Again, I want to point out that nowhere in my previous posts on this thread did I insult anyone, or make any accusations. So those kind of insulting, heavy handed replies are pretty unnecessary,
Hardware / Raspberry Pi 3 Released
« Last post by iTpHo3NiX on February 29, 2016, 05:39:37 PM »

Quote from:
Exactly four years ago, on 29 February 2012, we unleashed the original 256MB Raspberry Pi Model B on a largely unsuspecting world. Since then, we’ve shipped over eight million units, including three million units of Raspberry Pi 2, making us the UK’s all-time best-selling computer. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has grown from a handful of volunteers to have over sixty full-time employees, including our new friends from Code Club. We’ve sent a Raspberry Pi to the International Space Station and are training teachers around the world through our Picademy program.

In celebration of our fourth birthday, we thought it would be fun to release something new. Accordingly, Raspberry Pi 3 is now on sale for $35 (the same price as the existing Raspberry Pi 2), featuring:

A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU (~10x the performance of Raspberry Pi 1)
Integrated 802.11n wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.1
Complete compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1 and 2

Quote from:
For Raspberry Pi 3, Broadcom have supported us with a new SoC, BCM2837. This retains the same basic architecture as its predecessors BCM2835 and BCM2836, so all those projects and tutorials which rely on the precise details of the Raspberry Pi hardware will continue to work. The 900MHz 32-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU complex has been replaced by a custom-hardened 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53. Combining a 33% increase in clock speed with various architectural enhancements, this provides a 50-60% increase in performance in 32-bit mode versus Raspberry Pi 2, or roughly a factor of ten over the original Raspberry Pi.

James Adams spent the second half of 2015 designing a series of prototypes, incorporating BCM2837 alongside the BCM43438 wireless “combo” chip. He was able to fit the wireless functionality into very nearly the same form-factor as the Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B; the only change is to the position of the LEDs, which have moved to the other side of the SD card socket to make room for the antenna. Roger Thornton ran the extensive (and expensive) wireless conformance campaign, allowing us to launch in almost all countries simultaneously. Phil Elwell developed the wireless LAN and Bluetooth software.

All of the connectors are in the same place and have the same functionality, and the board can still be run from a 5V micro-USB power adapter. This time round, we’re recommending a 2.5A adapter if you want to connect power-hungry USB devices to the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi 3 is available to buy today from our partners element14 and RS Components, and other resellers. You’ll need a recent NOOBS or Raspbian image from our downloads page. At launch, we are using the same 32-bit Raspbian userland that we use on other Raspberry Pi devices; over the next few months we will investigate whether there is value in moving to 64-bit mode.

Purchase from:
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by iTpHo3NiX on February 29, 2016, 04:54:48 PM »
So essentially, there are no checks in place to stop a mod from silencing anything they don't personally agree with? Doesn't sound like a terribly good way to allow for diversity in view points.

Then you said this:
"There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice."

But is it really "community choice" if the entirety of the decision making is on as you put "10+" admins with no process for appeals, oversight of admin behavior, or open votes on rules?

Do you really not read anything I've posted? Doesn't matter if an Mod-Owner silence you. They can do so without this change. Our rules have always been up to interpretation by the staff. If you don't like it you can GTFO. Nothing changes for users with over 5 posts, everything else is the same. Dunno why I need to keep repeating myself.
Beginner's Corner / Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Last post by mammon on February 29, 2016, 04:43:12 PM »
I you still need a tool, I have found this one for creating cheatsheets:

I would also recommend the use of custom shell scripts for commands you happen to use frequently, but require many (usual common) lengthy arguments. I keep a hidden folder, i.e. .my_scripts, where i keep all my custom scripts. Don't forget to update your $PATH by appending something like this to your .(whichever_shell)_rc:

Code: [Select]
export PATH=$PATH:~/.my_scripts
Lastly, i use a lot of aliases. Bash definitely supports them, but i dont know about other shells.

I have also found these security related cheatsheets that use the cheat tool: which is a fork of

Their readme states:
These security cheatsheets are part of a project for the Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing course offered at the University of Florida. Expanding on the default set of cheatsheets, the purpose of these cheatsheets are to aid penetration testers/CTF participants/security enthusiasts in remembering commands that are useful, but not frequently used. Most of the tools that will be covered have been included in our class and are available in Kali Linux.

PS. I believe that the last two cheatsheets should be in a different thread, but i wanna avoid double posting. I leave it to the Mods to decide.
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by Trap_lord on February 29, 2016, 02:54:07 PM »
Wait so were some of the boards removed or is it that I can't see them because I am null?
General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« Last post by mammon on February 29, 2016, 12:32:50 PM »
There is another side to this story...   :'(

  ;D :P
Hacking and Security / Re: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« Last post by hashMANmerky on February 29, 2016, 12:18:16 PM »
Google will tell you you think everyone finds out...magic word "Research''

Cantenna actually works if your far away from the AP you just have to sit and adjust the angle of it until you get perfect signal as it directs the signals in more of a straight line as opposed to not using one where you can catch signals floating. The signal will drop out less with a cantenna once you find the perfect setting point to a specific AP, they are very easy to make, I suggest mounting it on a 'selfy stick' so you can adjust angle and twist it left and right.

The YAGI antenna is incomparable to a CANTENNA IMO because they are a hundred times more effective but cannot really be made from trash laying around your house. I have seen one but it still consisted of more or less parts most people would have to go buy from a hardware store.

You can actually get much more effective results from irradiating any interference's around your home and get the device high up away from other signals that interfere. Don't use really long extension cords for the adapters if its a USB type as this reduces the power unless its already high dbi I personally wouldn't extend it.

With most USB adapters i've split open, you will notice a small circular connection to the board, this is a test port/ external antenna port, in SOME cases you can go to a computer store and buy an antenna to fit that and this will greatly improve your signal receptions. Sometimes it doesn't work so research your model first to see if anyone else has had success, the external antenna's are usually pretty cheap too, they have the fittings on most Samsung galaxy phones but these cannot be used anymore as due to a software floor once you start using that port with an external antenna your phone will no longer use the built in radio antenna and then you'll have to go about your day with an external antenna device duct taped to yourself or your phone just to get a signal.

Make sure you take the adapters board out of its plastic case when making a CANTENNA otherwise you will see no benefit. Trial and error which way to fit it into your cantenna for best results as facing the radio directly out of the cantenna face isn't always the best. Was a while back since I did the cantenna trick but it definitely works.

Good luck Regards HashMan
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by dimi on February 29, 2016, 11:38:27 AM »
So essentially, there are no checks in place to stop a mod from silencing anything they don't personally agree with? Doesn't sound like a terribly good way to allow for diversity in view points.

I don't have the impression that people are being silenced very fast.  The stupid topics (which even I find stupid) are fast closed and put in the board of shame. All other topics get a chance of evolving in a good topic.

I think the mods are tolerant enough.

This said, I also went looking (through tapatalk) to other forums about hacking. I was a bit curious. For exemple ISA hacking crew and offensive community.  I find this forum (evilzone) much more mature than the other 2. They are much more bloaty and most of the postings are of a low quality. Often just spam to be honest.
Lately, I haven't check the other 2 forums anymore (did it for 3days or so), but evilzone I check every day .I'm not able to reply every time (don't want to spam) but I do read as much as I can.

Enough cock-sucking for now,I'm getting emotional  ;)
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