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Topics - kenjoe41

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Hacking and Security / EvilAbigail: Cold boot attack.
« on: December 24, 2015, 08:44:47 AM »
Tis the season to be jolly… or so they say; but it is also the season to be wary and vigilant. At GDS we were recently discussing cold boot attacks against full disk encryption on Linux systems – it didn’t take us long to agree it was feasible, but just how hard would it be and how practical is it to execute an attack? After a little searching we didn’t come across any pre existing tools so there was only one way forward…

Read up:

Hardware / [vid] Build a CPU from Scratch.
« on: December 24, 2015, 08:35:13 AM »
This is a collection of youtube video series about building a CPU from scratch, please do enjoy.

Operating System / Grant temporary SSH access to you box.
« on: December 24, 2015, 08:08:45 AM »
Granting Temporary Access to Servers With SSH

In need of support from a colleague or vendor, but don’t want to give them permanent access? SSH has an option to allow temporary access! Next time you need to provide temporary access for an hour or day, use this great option.

Read up:

Hardware / Gaining console access to the WAG54G home router
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:52:36 PM »
Beginners introduction to soldering and connecting to serial ports.
TLDR; illustrated guide on identifying and interfacing with the serial pinout exposed on the Linksys WAG54G home router, useful for debugging and exploit dev.

Read up:

Hacking and Security / Probing to find XSS.
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:20:51 PM »
To find XSS flaws we need to know where to look for it and how we can detect it. Where to look for it is as simple as complicated: all we need is to probe every input the application has.

We will do it using a probe string: a set of characters that we can look for it in source code in order to know if we can go further to inject a payload.

So let’s think about it: which is the most important single character for a XSS payload? As we are dealing with HTML, the most important is the identifier of a tag: the less than sign “<”.

Read up:

Found it on the Webs / Hunting for malware with machine learning.
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:09:56 PM »
Comprehensive malware research can be a difficult task. Before reversing and constructing the timeline, the reverser needs a significant set of samples of the malware from multiple stages of its development. Finding similar samples can be quite difficult, as comparing files at scale is computationally expensive and often unfruitful. Naturally, having a problem with scale and malware, we brought out the big guns: machine learning.

Read up:

Anonymity and Privacy / Browsing with a privacy and security conscious.
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:06:03 PM »
The purpose of this document is to make recommendations on how to browse in a privacy and security conscious manner. This information is compiled from a number of sources, which are referenced throughout the document, as well as my own experiences with the described technologies.

Know which is the best browser choice for you security, which addons will do it better, search engines, DNS leaking, VPN or TOR, meh...

Read up:

Found it on the Webs / Amateur Game Dev Links Collection
« on: November 12, 2015, 11:24:45 PM »
Well, if by a feather's weight you are interested in game dev, these are some links to munch on as you code and render away.

Projects and Discussion / Mobile P2P Blog/Forum APP
« on: October 26, 2015, 01:12:49 AM »
I really didn't take much time to google if there is a thing like this for i haven't heard about it in desktop things either.

This is just a crazy idea i had on a bored saturday. It is majorly having a site that resides on no central server but works more like a P2P network where when a use posts an article, it obvious is stored on his device, and that of any users currently active, when another user logs on, he receives any new articles from other active users online else waits and recieves the article when a user that has it logs on. Something like that, it is really a vague idea i had and thought it was cool, be my guest to give me your insights about it and if something like this exists, do tell.

NOTE: i have no intensions of creating something like this as time aint my friend and have a shitty system now but do be my guest to poke my mind about this idea.

Sometime back we were arguing, intelligently, with thewormkill about how best one can share credentials using a VCS without fear of compromise. How best to write code that needs credentials , testing it, and still have no fear that you will accidentally push it to a version control system like git.

The discussion led to alot of intelligent points and i will discuss afew major ones i can remember:

When it comes to using passwords and username credentials in a script, like for database connections, RPC, emailing and other stuff, Using and environment variable to store it and then calling it from the script would be better and risk free that you might post it accidentally;
Add this to your .bashrc or look for a windows equivalent:
Code: [Select]
export EvilzoneUsername='kenjoe41'; export EvilzonePassword='S0meon3F4ir198e'Then you can easily call this from a script with no fear:
Code: (python) [Select]
import os
usernm = os.environ.get(' EvilzoneUsername')
password = os.environ.get('EvilzonePassword')
#do w/e you want with you pass here
You can always set it on a new system you are going to us the script on and you are safe or get it from the commandline then store it in an env var and you are good to go. Heroku uses env var heavily:

Next risk about putting them in a script directly was easily getting on to VCS, and with the current GIT monitoring, this can get very detrimental. My google search brought me to this discussion which inspired a very good article here: Now this is all about creating an encrypted git repo, which if you experiment well, you could make a submodule in you repo and have only it encrypted while keeping the other repo parts unencrypted. With this, you work isn't encrypted while on your system but encrypted as specified and pushed to git. Quite convenient to have a submodule with passwords and other sensitive data and uploaded to git. Only someone with the passcode can decrypt it on there systems. Risks here are of the usual attacks on encryption, gets more secure the better you set it up.
Talking of PKI, i think i remember blackhat python having a good demonstration of it. Look at this and its parent script:

Now that git repo encryption was and might be in most cases overkill, so the guy that redid that article wrote a tool that if configured well, you can end up just encrypting one file, folder or whole repo if need be. Check it out: Be sure to read the read me.

NOw when all shit goes to hell, or when you are designing and enterprise development architecture, you might consider password containers like Keepass, Truecrypt and others. Some of them have APIs hence they are heavily scriptable like keepass:

Now with all that being said, read up and give me your views...

General discussion / Aren't protocoless URLs a thing anymore and why?
« on: September 18, 2015, 12:49:02 AM »
For starters many http libraries break when you give them a URL with no protocol, and this flask validator extension will take no URLs with not protocol (http/s) on it. I am inclined to write mine that accepts these kind of URLs since sending a redirect to the browser with them servers just the same purpose s protocol-with URLs.

So why is it mostly now a standard for them all to support protocols?!

Found it on the Webs / Unhackeble windows - No shit!
« on: September 07, 2015, 04:47:09 PM »
Due to its vulnerability to hacks and exploits, many of the Windows and Linux users describe Windows as a very unsafe operating system. However, one Israeli security organization is claiming to work towards to change the impression of Microsoft’s software that people have in their mind.

The Isreali security organization, Morphisec is presently working on making a Windows version that’s essentially not possible to hack, thus making it the appropriate operating system for military operations, which includes controlling of airlines and missiles.

Reverse Engineering / jadx - Dex to Java decompiler
« on: September 05, 2015, 12:31:22 PM »
Drop the decompiling using multiple tools, here is your all in one too for it all. Click and BOOM
Command line and GUI tools for produce Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files

Unlike conventional World Wide Web technologies, the Tor Darknet onion routing technologies give users a real chance to remain anonymous. Many users have jumped at this chance – some did so to protect themselves or out of curiosity, while others developed a false sense of impunity, and saw an opportunity to do clandestine business anonymously: selling banned goods, distributing illegal content, etc. However, further developments, such as the detention of the maker of the Silk Road site, have conclusively demonstrated that these businesses were less anonymous than most assumed.

Intelligence services have not disclosed any technical details of how they detained cybercriminals who created Tor sites to distribute illegal goods; in particular, they are not giving any clues how they identify cybercriminals who act anonymously. This may mean that the implementation of the Tor Darknet contains some vulnerabilities and/or configuration defects that make it possible to unmask any Tor user. In this research, we will present practical examples to demonstrate how Tor users may lose their anonymity and will draw conclusions from those examples.
How are Tor users pinned down?

The history of the Tor Darknet has seen many attempts – theoretical and practical – to identify anonymous users. All of them can be conditionally divided into two groups: attacks on the client’s side (the browser), and attacks on the connection.


Networking / [question] Setting up a small village ISP
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:06:38 PM »
Well, over the weekend i was watching dwshift replay of afew documentaries. They included a small vilage that had setup its own ISP and got themselves some real fast internetz for its users and wireless everywhere.
I don't seem to locate that documentary on the internet now but lel.

My question is what could it take to set this up, maintain it plus anything you could add. I hve been afew yers away from the networking field so something good for a proposal could be handy.
Fire away.

EDIT: A simple google search makes my balls quack.

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